You Can!
Make a music video with your class that shows how amazing it would be to have a technology-fueled classroom. You could win an Interactive Classroom makeover worth over $25,000.
Grab your video camera, tune up your instruments or just SING! Send us your video, a panel of judges will choose one winner from grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 will be chosen from the entries.
Start your video today! The contest ends on October 24.
Announcing the Winners
What I Like About School!
Category: K-5
School Name: Chinquapin Elementary
School Location: Chinquapin, NC
School Country: USA
Winner: $25,000 Interwrite Makeover™
Category: 6-8
School Name: Corona Ranch Elementary School
School Location: Corona, CA
School Country: USA
Winner: $25,000 Interwrite Makeover™
Scream and Shout
Category: 9-12
School Name: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School
School Location: London, Ontar
School Country: Canada
Winner: $25,000 Interwrite Makeover™
Visit the site to see all the entries!
Nearly classrooms in 40 states and 4 countries submitted music parody videos: US, AU, CA, and NZ.
Over 12 hours of videos submitted, 250,000+ views.
More than 100 newspaper and education blog stories to date.
KARK 4 News |
Grand Prize will include:
Next Generation
Interwrite® Pad and Board
32 unit RF Student Response System
ExamView® Assessment Suite
ExamView® Learning Series
WORKSPACE ExamView Edition
One Dell™ Latitude™ E54000 Laptop computer
Planet Earth DVD Series from Discovery Education
Study Island Standards-Based Learning Programs and Assessment
Inspiration® and InspireData™ software
Server with SAFARI Montage Enterprise Media Solution with Video on Demand*
netTrekker d.i. Educational Search Engine by Thinkronize*
Calypso Control System
AverVision CP300 Interactie Document Camera by AVerMedia®
One full-day of Product Training from Tony Brewer and Associates
Free Product Installation " LCD Projector " Classroom Sound System " $1000 cash towards the purchase of technology in your classroom " Cake Party for your entire school!
*These are annual licenses